Top 5 Amazing Android Apps 2021

We have many apps on our smartphones & also we also install many new apps regularly on our phones. We use some apps & uninstall others 

But sometimes there are certain apps that seriously increases the functionality of our smartphones & they’re extremely useful

And today We’ll check out some really useful & really user friendly apps. Today we’ll showcase 4-5 apps that you should download & install 

And after you install & use these apps you have to comment down below - how useful these apps were for you
In today’s world, privacy is one the biggest concerns & your smartphones are the gateway for the hackers to collect your data.


One of the biggest fears we have - is there any third person that has access to our microphone or camera.

Suppose you’ve kept your smartphone somewhere & a hacker is accessing your camera. Imagine ! And you don't know about this.

So for this there is an app that will tell you whether your mic or camera is being used or not. Access Dots is the app for this.
It's a lightweight app which will indicate to you if any app is using your camera by these little dots.

Many recent phones have this feature But the majority of phones don't have this feature. So what this app does is it’ll alert you when any of your app is using your mic, camera with a tiny dot

And importantly this app is made in India & we should support it that's why we’ve listed this first among other apps.

The 2nd app will be useful for many E-commerce & small companies.If you need to take many different product photos 

Or any other photo & you need to share that photo as it is on e commerce website or other platforms then this app is very useful 

You just need to click the photo & it’ll remove the background automatically with the help of AI. So you can share the picture’s png file to PC or tablet just by copying that image

Both of these functionality are implemented well in this app. If you’re into product photography then this will be be very useful for you 

Who touched my phone ? If your phone is lying somewhere & someone is trying to snoop into your phone. How will you know it ?
Yes ! Who touched my phone app will inform you. Its an old app but I thought I should tell you about this because many people keep wondering who touched their smartphone

What happens is if someone tries to unlock your phone via passcode/pattern then the front camera captures & store the image 

And you get to know who touched your smartphone. That's why this app is named 'Who Touched My Phone ?’
Oh Ohhh I love this next app & it's installed on every phone of mine. Radio Garden.You can listen to FM radio from across the globe 
On your smartphone. Yes ! There’s a globe in the app where you’ve to touch the place e.g. Mumbai, Delhi, Bangkok, Russia etc. and you can listen to those FM radio channels

There are 100’s & 1000’s of FM radio channel across the globe that you can use & listen to it very easily 

And it doesn’t require a 3.5 mm jack to listen to FM radio. Speaker of your phone will be turned on automatically when to touch any place of the globe in the app

So if you want to listen to FM radio from across the world then this is the app for you. FM Garden. Ohh sorry Radio Garden

I’d told you about this app in one of my tech news but I thought I should tell you in this dedicated video. This app is Fluid Simulation

Wow ! What an eye candy of an app. If you install this app & touch on your screen you’ll see a lot of beautiful & colorful fluid simulation 

If you tap on it 5 times you see a burst of colors on your screen. As I said, it's an eye candy app. But if you’re stressed out & fidgety a little

Remember the fidget spinner that one used to spin for stress relief, this app is also of same kind if you want to relieve some stress

It’s a very beautiful app & is also eye candy that will please your eyes as well.
So yes that's fluid simulation

So how were these apps ? As I said we don't only unbox phones but also talk about software & apps and that's what we’re doing in today’s post.